This week we continued our series on "The Holy Spirit". This week Pastor Marlando Jordan spoke on the personality of The Holy Spirit. Take the opportunity to really get to know who the Holy Spirit is and how you as a believer in Jesus Christ can rely on him.
The Holy Spirit
The Personality of the Holy Spirit
John 14:16-18
The following characteristics describe how the Holy Spirit desires to assist us in our lives.
1. He is our Helper.
(John 14:16, 26, 16:7)
In Greek, the word comforter is (helper), defined as an intercessor and consoler. Called to one’s side, especially called to one’s aid. It means one who is called to bring help or counsel to an individual. One who pleads another’s cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for the defense, legal assistant, and an advocate.
1 John 4:4; Acts 9:31
2. He Helps us in Prayer.
(Rom. 8:26-27)
There are moments in our life when we pray in our known language and cannot get the breakthrough that we need.
However, the Holy Spirit makes intercession through us as we pray in tongues.
3. He is the Spirit of Truth.
(John 14:17a, 16:13)
Truth is based on the Word of God, not fantasy, not human reasoning, not your emotions, not your opinion or your denomination.
The Spirit and the Word always agree.
If you are not familiar with the Word of God, then you will not be familiar with the Spirit of God.
1 John 5:4; Ps. 32:8; Acts 15:28